姓  名:孙传林(毕业校友)
学习时间:  2016.09~2021.08
获得学位: 智能材料
毕业去向: scl0227@mail.ustc.edu.cn

  1. 2021年4月获得“第十六届全国实验力学大会暨重大装备实验与测试技术论坛”优秀墙报奖

  1. Sun CL, Gao YD, Cao XF, Xuan SH, Gong XL  
    Magnetic tunable sound absorption channels controlled by anisotropic magnetic switches (Supporting Information)
    Materials Letters, 308:131201, 2022

  2. Sun CL, Gao YD, Wang BC, Cao XF,  Xuan SH, Gong XL  
    Unconventional deformation and sound absorption properties of anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers
    Smart Materials and Structures, 30: 105022, 2021(SCI工程技术2区)

  3. Sun CL, Cao XF, Zhou XL, Gong XL, Xuan SH
    Deformation dependent sound absorption property of a novel magnetorheological membrane sound absorber
    Frontiers in Materials, 7: 598973, 2020

  4. Sun CL, Pang HM, Xuan SH, Gong XL
    Glass microspheres strengthened magnetorheological plastomers forsound insulation
    Materials Letters, 256: 126611, 2019