姓  名:徐佳琦(毕业校友)
学习时间: 2015.09~2020.06
获得学位: 智能材料

  1. 2016年4月获得蒋震奖学金

  2. 2017年10月获得郭永怀奖学金

  3. 2019年10月获得苏州育才奖学金

  1. Xu JQ, Pang HM, Gong XL, Pei L, Xuan SH  
    A shape-deformable liquid-metal-filled magnetorheological plastomer sensor with a magnetic field ‘‘on-off’’ switch (Supporting Information)
    iScience, 24: 102549, 2021(SCI工程技术2区)

  2. Xu JQ, Pei L, Li J, Pang HM, Li ZY, Li BS, Xuan SH, Gong XL
    Flexible, self-powered, magnetism/pressure dual-mode sensor based onmagnetorheological plastomer
    Composites Science and Technology, 183: 107820, 2019(SCI工程技术1区)

  3. Gong XL, Xu JQ, Xuan SH
    The designation and mechanical properties of magnetorheological plastomer [M]

    Magnetorheological Materials and their Applications, 395-420, 2019. Choi S-B, Li WH.

    The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, United Kingdom.

  4. Xu JQ, Wang PF, Pang HM, Wang YP, Wu J, Xuan SH, Gong XL
    The dynamic mechanical properties of magnetorheological plastomers under high strain rate
    Composites Science and Technology, 159: 50-58, 2018(SCI工程技术2区)

  5. Xu JQ, Xuan SH, Pang HM, Gong XL
    The strengthening effect of 1D carbon materials on magnetorheological plastomers: mechanical properties and conductivity
    Smart Materials and Structures,26(3): 035044, 2017(SCI工程技术2区)