姓  名:阮晓辉(毕业校友)
学习时间: 2012.09~2017.07
获得学位: 智能材料
毕业去向: rxiaohui@mail.ustc.edu.cn

  1. 2014年10月获得合志奖学金

  2. 2013年5月获得蒋震奖学金

  1. Ruan XH, Wang Y, Xuan SH, Gong XL
    Magnetic field dependent electric conductivity of the magnetorheological fluids: the influence of oscillatory shear
    Smart Materials and Structures, 26(3): 035067, 2017(SCI工程技术2区)
  2. Ruan XH,Pei L, Xuan SH, Yan QF, Gong XL
    The rheological responds of the superparamagnetic fluid based on Fe3O4 hollow nanospheres
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 429: 1-10, 2017

  3. Gong XL, Ruan XH, Xuan SH, Yan QF, Deng HX
    Magnetorheological Damper Working in Squeeze Mode
    Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014: 410158, 2014