姓  名:廖国江(毕业校友)
毕业去向: 中国工程物理研究院

  1. 2013年10月获得国家奖学金

  2. 2012年12月获得2012年度“博士研究生学术新人奖”

  3. 2012年6月获得中科院院长奖学金

  4. 2011年10月获得合志奖学金

  5. 2009年9月获得优秀新生奖



  1. Liao GJ, Gong XL, Xuan SH
    Phase based stiffness tuning algorithm for a magnetorheological elastomer dynamic vibration absorber
    Smart Materials and Structures, 23(1):  015016, 2014(SCI工程技术2区)

  2. Liao GJ, Gong XL, Xuan SH
    Magnetic Field-Induced Compressive Property of Magnetorheological Elastomer under High Strain Rate
    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(25): 8445-8453, 2013(SCI工程技术2区)  

  3. Liao GJ, Gong XL, Xuan SH
    Influence of Shear Deformation on the Normal Force of Magnetorheological Elastomer
    Materials Letters, 106: 270-272, 2013(SCI工程技术2区)

  4. Gong XL, Liao GJ, Xuan SH
    Full-field deformation of magnetorheological elastomer under uniform magnetic field
    Applied Physics Letters, 100(21): 211909, 2012 (SCI物理2区)

  5. Liao GJ, Gong XL, Xuan SH, Guo CY, Zong LH
    Magnetic-Field-Induced Normal Force of Magnetorheological Elastomer under Compression Status
    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(8): 3322–3328, 2012 (SCI工程技术2区)

  6. Liao GJ, Gong XL, Xuan SH, Kang CJ, Zong LH
    Development of a real-time tunable stiffness and damping vibration isolator based on magnetorheological elastomer
    Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23(1): 25-33, 2012

  7. Liao GJ, Gong XL, Kang CJ, Xuan SH
    The design of an active-adaptive tuned vibration absorber based on magnetorheological elastomer and its vibration attenuation performance
    Smart Materials and Structures, 20: 075015(10pp), 2011