姓  名:王文慧(博士研究生)
研究方向: 智能材料
电  话: 0551-63606382(O)

  1. 2021年12月获得第三届工程科学学院研究生学术年会杰出报告奖

  2. 2022年10月获得国家奖学金

  3. 2023年12月获得重点实验室年会杰出报告奖

  1. Wang WH, Liu S, Zhou JY, Li ZM, Zhang JS, Mei GL, Yang JY, Wang S, Hu Y, Gong XL

    A rate-dependent shape memory polymer composite for self-folding 2D-to-3D structural transition with improved impact resistance (Supporting information)

    Composites Part B, 297:112291, 2025(SCI工程技术1区)

  2. Wang WH, Wang S, Li ZM, Zhou JY, Liu S, Xuan TT, Zhang JS, Gong XL

    A flexible protective electronic skin with tunable anti-impact and thermal insulation properties for potential rescue applications (Supporting information)

    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 13:1146-1156, 2025(Cover image)(SCI材料科学2区)

  3. Wang WH, Wang S, Liu S, Zhou JY, Zhang JS, Yuan F, Sang M, Gong XL

    Advanced functional safeguarding composites with enhanced anti-impact and excellent thermal properties(Supporting information)

    JUSTC, 53:0405, 2023(该期亮点论文)

  4. Wang WH, Wang S, Zhou JY, Deng HX, Sun SS, Xue Tian, Ma YQ, Gong XL

    Bio-inspired semi-active safeguarding design with enhanced impact resistance via shape memory effect(Supporting information)

    Advanced Functional Materials, 33:2212093, 2023Cover image)(SCI工程技术1区)

  5. Wang WH, Zhou JY, Wang S, Yuan F, Liu S, Zhang JS, Gong XL  
    Enhanced Kevlar-based triboelectric nanogenerator with anti-impact and sensing performance towards wireless alarm system(Supporting information)
    Nano Energy, 91:106657, 2022(SCI工程技术1区)

  6. Wu YX, Wang WH, Zhang JS, Sang M, Xu YQ, Zhou JY, Wang S, Cai YB, Xuan SH, Gong XL

    Liquid or solid? a biologically inspired concentrated suspension for protective coating(Supporting information)

    Chemical Engineering Journal, 428: 131793, 2022(SCI工程技术1区)