姓  名:张帅帅(毕业校友)
学习时间:          2016.09~2021.08
获得学位:          智能材料
毕业去向:  bmwanm@mail.ustc.edu.cn

  1. 2020年10月获得光华奖学金
  1. Zhang SS, Wang S, Zheng YX, Yang R, Dong EB, Lu L, Xuan SH, Gong XL  
    Coaxial 3D-Printed and kirigami-inspired deployable wearable electronics for complex body surfaces (Supporting Information)
        Composites Science and Technology , 216: 109041, 2021(SCI工程技术1区)
  2. Zhang SS, Lu L, Wang S, Yuan F,  Xuan SH, Gong XL  
    Coaxial direct ink writing of shear stiffening gel/Ecoflex composite for customized insoles (Supporting Information)
        Composites Part B, 225: 109268, 2021(SCI工程技术1区)
  3. Zhang SS, Wang S, Hu T, Xuan SH, Jiang H, Gong XL
    Study the safeguarding performance of shear thickening gel by themechanoluminescence method
       Composites Part B, 180: 107564, 2020(SCI工程技术1区)
  4. Zhang SS, Wang S, Wang YP, Fan XW, Ding L, Xuan SH, Gong XL
    Conductive shear thickening gel/polyurethane sponge: A flexible human motion detection sensor with excellent safeguarding performance
       Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 112: 197-206, 2018(SCI工程技术2区)
