姓  名:吴建鹏(博士后)
研究方向:  智能材料
电  话: 0551-63606382(O)


  1. 2019年12月获得蒋震奖学金

  2. 2021年10月获得国家奖学金

  3. 2021年12月获得重点实验室学术年会优秀报告奖

  4. 2023年10月获得国家奖学金

  5. 2023年12月获得第五届工程科学学院研究生学术年会优秀报告奖

  1. Wu JP, Zhang JS, Sang M, Li ZM, Zhou JY, Wang Y, Xuan SH, Leung KC, Gong XL

    Acid-assisted toughening aramid aerogel monoliths with ultralow thermal conductivity and superior tensile toughness (Supporting information)

    Advanced Functional Materials, 34:2307072, 2024(SCI工程技术1区)

  2. Wu JP, Sang M, Zhang JY, Sun YX, Wang XY, Zhang JS, Pang HM, Luo TZ, Pan SS, Xuan SH, Gong XL

    Ultra-stretchable spiral hybrid conductive fber with 500%-strain electric stability and deformation-independent linear temperature response (Supporting information)

    Small, 19:2207454, 2023(SCI工程技术1区)

  3. Wu JP, Wang Y, Zhang JS, Zhao CY, Fan ZY, Shu Q, He XK, Xuan SH, Gong XL
    A lightweight aramid-based structural composite with ultralow thermal conductivity and high-impact force dissipation(Supporting information)
    Matter, 5: 2265-2284, 2022(SCI工程技术1区)

  4. Wu JP, Pang HM, Ding L, Wang Y, He XK, Shu Q, Xuan SH, Gong XL
    A lightweight, ultrathin aramid-based flexible sensor using a combined inkjet printing and buckling strategy
    Chemical Engineering Journal, 421:129830, 2021(SCI工程技术1区)