姓  名:王云鹏(毕业校友)
学习时间: 2014.09~2019.07
获得学位: 智能材料
毕业去向: wyp1005@mail.ustc.edu.cn

  1. 2015年9月获得蒋震助学金

  2. 2016年10月获得国家奖学金

  3. 2018年10月获得光华奖学金



  1. Wang YP, Ding L, Zhao CY, Wang S, Xuan SH, Jiang H, Gong XL
    A novel magnetorheological shear-stiffening elastomer with self-healing ability
    Composites Science and Technology, 168: 303-311, 2018(SCI工程技术2区)

  2. Wang YP, Gong XL, Xuan SH
    Study of low-velocity impact response of sandwich panels with shear-thickening gelcores
    Smart Materials and Structures, 27:065008, 2018(SCI工程技术2区)

  3. Wang YP, Wang S, Xu CH, Xuan SH, Jiang WQ, Gong XL
    Dynamic behavior of magnetically responsive shear-stiffening gel under high strain rate
    Composites Science and Technology, 127: 169-176, 2016(SCI工程技术2区)