姓  名:贾 玉(毕业校友)
获得学位: 博士
毕业去向: 加拿大读博士后

  1. 2011年6月获得朱李月华奖学金

  1. Jia Y, Jiang ZM, Gong XL, Zhang Z
    Creep of thermoplastic polyurethane reinforced with ozone functionalized carbon nanotubes
    Express Polymer Letter, 6(9): 750-758, 2012

  2. Jia Y, Jiang ZM, Peng JP, Gong XL, Zhang Z
    Resistance to time-dependent deformation of polystyrene/carbon nanotube composites under cyclic tension
    Composites: Part A, 43(9): 1561-1568, 2012 (SCI工程技术2区)

  3. Jia Y, Peng K, Gong XL, Zhang Z
    Creep and recovery of polypropylene/carbon nanotube composites
    International Journal of Plasticity, 27: 1239-1251, 2011(SCI工程技术1区)