2012年9月23日-26日,15th International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies在澳大利亚Wollongong举行。龚兴龙教授、何陵辉教授带领博士生李潇峰、许阳光参加了会议。龚老师、何老师是这次会议的International Scientific Committee委员,分别主持了分会场“Processing of New and Advanced Materials-2”和“Deformation Processing-5”,并作了分会场邀请报告“Study on the high-performance magnetorheological elastomers and the design of magnetorheological elastomer based device”和“Stress soft elastic solids induced by Van Der Waals force”,李潇峰、许阳光分别作了报告“Automated grid method to measure mechanical properties of the 3D carbon/carbon composite”“Preparation and characterization of a novel magneto-sensitive smart materials”。