


我实验室论文被著名国际期刊J. Mater. Chem. B选为Hot Article


        最近接到材料界著名期刊Journal of Materials Chemistry B通知,我实验室论文Asymmetric PSt-EA/Ni-Silicate hollow microsphere with a hierarchical porous shell, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1(10): 1414-1420, 2013被选为该期刊2013年热门论文。来信全文如下:

Dear Professor Jiang

On behalf of the Editorial Office, I would like to thank you for submitting your work to Journal of Materials Chemistry B during 2013. Your article titled Asymmetric PSt-EA/Ni-Silicate hollow microsphere with a hierarchical porous shell has been selected as a Hot Article for 2013 and as such it has been included in the Hot Article 2013 web collection for the Journal which can be viewed using this link:

We hope that you enjoy reading this excellent collection of articles covering the field of materials for biology and medicine. Please feel free to forward this email and the links within to other colleagues who may find the collection of interest.

Article collections receive a high level of interest from the community and they are a great tool for the highlighting of your own work. Other Journal of Materials Chemistry B collections can be found on the journal home page under the “themed collections” tab.

Congratulations on your selection and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require any assistance.

With best wishes,


Sarah Thirkell MRSC

Development Editor, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C

Royal Society of Chemistry

Thomas Graham House

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